Thursday, February 26, 2009

It is Well

Remember that happiness is a
way of travel, not a destination.

Roy Goodman (1930 - ) American politician

Well, if yesterday was a way of travel, it would have been the "your flight is canceled - we've lost your luggage - the seats are full, you'll be in the trunk- we've seated four screaming babies on all sides of your seat - your credit card has been denied - we've lost your reservation - please buckle your seat belt, as we're experiencing hurricane-like turbulence - even the flat tire went flat" kind of travel day.

Thank goodness it was Ash Wednesday, which of course, brought me to an evening church service. Seated next to Marie in an absolutely packed sanctuary, I was reminded of what the big picture really looks like. There was a stunning cello player who, teamed with our amazing organist, presented the kind of calm I was desperately seeking. Brahms, Fauré, Chopin - their melodies filled the sanctuary and created a mood somber enough to begin Lent, yet hopeful enough for the coming Easter. Worshipping in the company of good friends and good music always seems to make things well with my soul.

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